Portrait Sculpture, Portrait Sculptor, Sculpture, Commissions, Celebrity likenesses, Computer Models, Nudes, Portraits, Bronze, Stone, Clay, Terra Cotta, Marble, Fine Artist, nude, Female Nudes, Sculptor, Portrait, Portraits, Portrait artists, Portrait artist, Portraiture, Corporate Art, Corporate Portraits, Bronze, Bronzes Gifts


  • Amy Medford, Co-Owner
  • (Personal Artwork Link)
  • Avant-Garde Studio
  • 34 N. Rochdale Avenue
  • PO Box 296
  • Roosevelt, NJ 08555
  • Fax-Phone (609)448-6433
  • Amy@ags3d.com
  • Leonid Siveriver, Co-Owner
  • (Personal Artwork Link)
  • Avant-Garde Studio
  • 34 N. Rochdale Avenue
  • PO Box 296
  • Roosevelt, NJ 08555
  • Fax-Phone (609)448-6433
  • Leonid@ags3d.com

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    Copyright © 1995-2011 Avant-Garde Studio
    Individual properties remain the copyrights of their respective owners
    Site Created and Administrated by Amy Medford